Looking for opportunities to create unique products that improve the world. As a former teacher, edtech founder/CEO, and product manager, I have six years of experience leading product development, twelve  years leadership experience as an educator and startup founder. All leading to serving 1,000,000 users, teaching 3,000+ students, and coaching over 20 startups. My passion for inclusion and accessibility come from years of working with at-risk teens and parenting a child who is non-verbal and uses a wheelchair.

Current Projects


A simple way for your students to ask for help, remote or in person.

Bridge Home

Building stronger connections with student’s parents by helping teachers write regular emails.


Choose and learn from vetted experts on topics and in ways that work for you.

Connect with me online:

Twitter: @mattnupen

Thingiverse: Thingiverse.com/Whampus

LinkedIn:  linkedin.com/in/matt-nupen/